Sunday, 30 June 2013


Chelsea and Sheldon were perhaps the most welcoming hosts I've ever met.

The night before, after we'd returned from the beach, Scrib had gone to see another of his friends. Chelsea and Sheldon welcomed me, Fernweh, and Aids with open arms; not only feeding us, but offering us food to take with us on our journey. With nothing to offer in return but our thanks and our love, we felt a bit guilty.

That night, we slept on the couches downstairs. We were awoken at 7 in the morning by Scrib coming in through the front door, bewildered and excited.

The night prior, he'd gotten drunk as shit at his friend's house and attempted to walk back to Chelsea's. In his inebriated mindstate, he'd accidentally taken the train tracks in the opposite direction and gotten so lost that it took him 4 hours to get back. However, this was meant to be: he'd found a full 26 of Smirnoff vodka sitting in pristine condition on the tracks.

"Want some shots?"

We had a 7 am round of shots and toked up a bit, but that ended up sending us all
back to bed. A few hours later, we awoke and finished our liquor slowly before realizing that this would be our last day at the house. Though we'd had nothing but excellent times, and though they assured us otherwise,  we felt like we'd stayed too long.

We said our farewells and caught a ride downtown where we grabbed  few beers and headed up to Dennis's to make another farewell. Once that was done with, another of Scrib's friends drove us towards the highway.

We finished our beers, headed to McDonalds and bought way too many burgers (judging by the fact that Aids started puking them back up right away) and receded to the underpass to sleep off the alcohol in preparation for the next day.

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