Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Retardation 05/13/13

Finally! Time to myself.

I'd been growing tired of talking nonsense for weeks on end. Funny, yes, but talking about ass while snorting wasabi and pouring liquor into your eye doesn't satisfy any intellectual cravings.

I was alone now. I'd just woken up from my nap by the underpass. I was a bit hungover, and a bit dejected in the absence of my friends (particularly Will, seeing as this was the first day we'd spent apart in almost 2 months), but, finally - alone. There would be no more abundant stupidity, no more senseless acts of a retardation complex- so I thought.

Being alone didn't mean these ideas were going to stop. We'd unearthed parts of our psyche that were best left locked up. I stood on the highway for a few hours, thinking with mindless patterns that resonated with the word ass, and otherwise fabricating ridiculous situations in my mind. I urged myself with as much psychological power as I could to THINK! People have brains for a reason. Was this enough to blossom into a contemplative mindset?

I hoped so, but as I stood on the highway with my thumb hung half-assedly over the white line, I wondered. The sun hid itself be hind the horizon, painting the sky in a neon-orange and dumping buckets of golden-yellow across the endless plain, and I began to lose hope. I was still dumb. Maybe it didn't matter if we were together or not.

I pondered, setting up my sleeping bag under the bridge.

This was a problem we'd all started - maybe it was a problem we'd all have to fix.


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