The next morning found our bodies and minds in a state of ambivalence.
Our minds were refreshed, lifted from the curse of racism that had been dispelled by our troop of Afrikaano hip-hoppers the night before. Our bodies, however, had twisted themselves again into an agonized state of animosity, assisted ever-so-often by our alcohol abuse. We stumbled towards the park, a 50 foot mission for me and Scrib, and many miles of a mission for Fernweh.
This park was a terrible sentiment for Fernweh. His experiences in this park from years past could fill books. I'll not dabble too deep into these details, but to Fernweh, this park was not the cheerful vision of kids laughing on swingsets and little Asian men walking dogs that I saw. Alexandria Park, to him, was only a memory of bloodshed, lives lost, screaming children fleeing the park, tears, and lost years. I was truly impressed that he was even able to be here- his determination and perseverance are always to be admired.
We collapsed onto a set of park benches a fair distance away from Bear and his group of provocative traincore retards. We'd been crumpled up for about half an hour before we witnessed a white F150 drive up onto the park grass. He was heading in the direction of the Traincores, who jumped up and vacated quickly. We were too haggard to move, so we maintainde our spot as the truck drove up and parked directly in front of us.
Great. We were going to have to deal with some ignorant wanna-becops.
The first worker got out of the vehicle, blazing with the same glow of the sun in his bright orange construction uniform. He made a beeline straight towards us and stopped in front of the bench. He didn't have the power to make us move. Was he gonna call the cops? Fuck... whatever. Let's hear what he had to say.
"Hey, guys. You want some MDMA?"
We shared surprised glances with each other before exclaiming the obvious "yes!" and jumping out of our hangovers.
The driver handed us a huge flap, nodded and humbly accepted our thanks before he got back into his truck and drove off. Wow! I'd been worried about getting busted by a rent-a-cop for possessing weed that I didn't even want to smoke - instead, we'd been handed down illegal narcotics from a city-worker. Sweet.
Time to go find a dumpster to do our drugs!
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