Saturday, 24 August 2019

Emotions, Mental Processes & The Elements

I noticed there seems to be some correspondences between different emotional & mental processes and the 5 elements.

For example, whenever I became angry last night (which was very often) I became increasingly aware of an aggravated element of fire, which makes sense. Fire seems to also be associated with passion, lust, etc.

By focusing on the primary element instead of the feeling/thought itself I found I was able to actually soothe the anger without reacting to it.

Expanding further I also came to realize that air often governs my mental process. I'm a vata, so I'm naturally imbalanced in the elements of air and ether, and my mind is always racing. When I can counterbalance air and ether with something more earthy and grounding, it's easier to slow the thought process.

Water seems to be related to an intuitive flowstate; earth to solid thoughts which are hard to adjust or reconsider, as well as to objective awareness.

Anyone have similar experiences and/or have any resources related to how the elements interact with our thought processes?

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